About the Art Park...

“What is Everland?” you may ask. Well, if you haven’t heard all of the buzz going around, then let us go ahead and introduce you.  

Everland is an Eco-Retreat and Immersive Art Park located on 145 acres of forest landscape 45 minutes southwest of Denver.  Everland is growing into a world-wide sought-after destination that will encourage people to ignite their creative imagination, play in the forest with friends and family, and stay in our beautiful retreat center. 

You also may have no idea what an immersive art park even means… and that’s okay! Let’s dig into that a bit more.   

Immersive, adj. /iˈmərsiv/ generating a three-dimensional image which appears to surround the user.

Art, n. /ärt/ the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. 

Park, n. /pärk/ a large area of land kept in its natural state for public recreational use.

Visualize this: 

You are walking through a beautiful forest surrounded by coniferous trees and juniper berries, the crisp mountain air is rich with the smell of pine and the sun is shining bright overhead.  Your friend starts pointing to a glimmering sphere hanging just ahead of you. 

“What could that be?”

“I’m not sure but it looks INSANE.”

Yup, that’s a giant gyroscopic compass hanging in our Compass Village. You both walk towards it and start running your hands along the framework.  Out of the corner of your eye you catch sight of a 20 foot tall bear made of fine woven wood with a glowing heart chakra that you can also walk inside of annnnnd the journey begins... 

The team is hard at work here to make sure this dream comes into reality and you are an integral piece of making it happen.  When you, your friends, your friend’s friends, your family, and your pet donate to this Kickstarter - you will be able to watch an entire art park evolve in front of your eyes.  A place where you can escape into the mountains and have an entirely different experience than just a casual hike in the woods. 

The funding from this Kickstarter will go directly to creating our Immersive Art Park, ensuring that we can keep this forward momentum going.  Keep an eye out for an email coming your way explaining the various perks we have to offer you. 

Thanks again and we’ll talk soon,

Jonny & the Everland Team

Stay. Play. Connect. 

Jon Jenkins